Flying Character Stands!
No more setting flying minis on dice! It is three parts. The Base, which is designed to match a 1" square grid, The Platform (or Kite) which holds the mini, and the Pole which fits into the base has 8 levels to hold the Kite.

Condition Chips for 5e!
These 16 chips will help you keep track of any Conditions currently affecting your character. These are specific to D&D 5th Edition but can be used in any RPG (and maybe some other games!).

Saving Throw Mod Dice!
This is the coolest set of accessory dice you will ever find for your RPG enjoyment. There are 6 dice in the set: One for each of your modifiers: Attack, Defense, Damage, Will, Reflex, & Fortitude.

Magic! A Word Based Magic System.
Magic! is a rune based magic system that can be used on top of your RPG system. It allows your Casters to create their own spells. This set of instructions describes how to create and use the runes.
Here is a stand for flying minis! No more setting flying minis on dice! It is three parts. The Base, which is designed to match a 1" square grid, The Platform (or Kite) which holds the mini, and the Pole which fits into the base has 8 levels to hold the Kite. It comes apart so it can be easily put away with your dice and character sheet.
The base does extend into the surrounding squares for stability, but it is designed to be easy to put other minis on it to show that flyer is above them. There is no more mistaking where the flyer is or how high!
The Pole is just a straight section with holders for the Kite. There are 8 positions. If you have more than one, more than one Kite can be attached to the stand.
These are done on a 3D printer and about 7" tall. Each stand is $7 or less with free shipping. Please see the options below and click "Add to Cart".
The Stands come in three colors: Brown, Grey, & Green. The Bundle Pack contains TWO poles, 3 Kites, and Four differenet color bases (Brown, Grey, green & BLUE). A Bundle Pack will only make 2 complete stands.
Coming Soon! 2x2 and 3x3 stands!
These 16 chips will help you keep track of any Conditions currently affecting your character. These are specific to D&D 5th Edition but can be used in any RPG (and maybe some other games!). There are 16 conditions:
Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Fatigued, Frightened, Grappled, Incapacitated, Invisible Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Stunned, Unconscious, Exhaustion Just pop the appropriate chip in front of you and the condition of your condition will be way cool obvious!
These are made of wooden 1 1/2 disks and laser engraved (please note that there may be variations in the color of the wood and the laser engraving).
Each set is $22 with free shipping.

This is the coolest set of accessory dice you will ever find for your RPG enjoyment. There are 6 dice in the set: One for each of your modifiers: Attack, Defense, Damage, Will, Reflex, & Fortitude. Each face on each die has a different modifier. They are: +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2.
Anytime you have a bonus in place, simply set the right die in front of you with the right side facing up. This is a clear reminder to the whole party and the GM that you have an active bonus!
These are made of wooden dice and laser engraved. Order Below (please note that there may be variations in the color of the wood and the laser engraving) Each set is $22 with free shipping.

This is the second coolest set of accessory dice you will ever find for your RPG enjoyment. There are 6 dice in the set: One for each of your basic attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, IQ, Wisdom, & Constitution. Each face on each die has a different modifier. They are: +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2.
Anytime you have a bonus in place, simply set the right die in front of you with the right side facing up. This is a clear reminder to the whole party and the GM that you have an active bonus!
These are made of wooden dice and laser engraved. Order Below (please note that there may be variations in the color of the wood and the laser engraving). Each set is $22 with free shipping.

Magic!: A Unique Word Based Magic System.
Magic! is a rune based magic system that can be used on top of your RPG system. It allows your Casters to create their own spells. This set of instructions describes how to create and use the runes. It describes some ways to track their use (like spell slots do). It has a very clever "energy" management system so large things cost more than small things. Finally, it has an easy calculation for the chance of success (including "over-powering" a spell)
BEST OF ALL: IT IS FREE!!! It is however under copyright and shared under a Creative Commons License. Just send me an email (click on the link below) and request a copy.
If you like the system and want to use it more efficiently, I've created an EXCEL Spreadsheet that automates the calculations for % Chance of Success and cost. Order Below.
The Spreadsheet is copyright and may not be shared (please), but you own the spells!.